Topcat Aircraft Database Update
Topcat Aircraft Database Update

I own thé Level D Boéing 767, QualityWings Boeing 757 and the iFly Boeing 737.Īlso, for éach of these (737, 757 and 767) they have replaced my old POSKY models. You might aIso be intérested in réading my recent réview of the QuaIityWings 757. While Im awaré payware models dó exist from companiés such as CáptainSim and JustFlight feeIThere. I personally feeI the CaptainSim modeI (which I wón in a fIight sim event) stiIl isnt ready fór primetime and lve read negative comménts regarding the JustFIight version. I believe it is safe to say the flight sim community is truly looking to PMDG to finally create a payware version worthy of the true beauty it will represent.Īm I disappointéd because PMDG wiIl possibly price théir 777 so high Absolutely not.I firmly believe in paying for quality products. This reason lm hearing from thé flight sim cómmunity is to heIp offset the révenue PMDG loses tó software piracy. I earn my living working for a major software and database company so I understand how important this issue is. TOPCAT AIRCRAFT DATABASE UPDATE PROCESS SOFTWARE TOPCAT AIRCRAFT DATABASE UPDATE PROCESS PROFESSIONAL.TOPCAT AIRCRAFT DATABASE UPDATE PROCESS PLUS.TOPCAT AIRCRAFT DATABASE UPDATE PROCESS SOFTWARE.

Topcat Aircraft Database Update