This shouldnt happen, if the new version is not compatible with my system it should not update. Ctrl + Click > Show Package Contents Under Contents, Ctrl + Click macOS, and open a Terminal Window/Tab at that location Run the FortiClientUpdate until it prompts you to 'Install'. The problem began when FortiClient 7 updated automatically. app file somewhere, desktop, downloads, whatever tickles. I tried to download 5.6 (FortiClient_5.6.6.755_macosx.dmg) from / FortiClientMac/ Mac/ v5.00/ 5.6/ but it also connect but cant ping (no traffic). Upgrading OS is not an option for me because I need to run legacy 32-bit applications. MAC 10.14+ FortiClient VPN VPN Type: SSL VPN tab selected Connection Name: Trinity VPN (or a name of your choosing) Remote Gateway:.

When I open FortiClientTools_6.2.2.685_ it extracts/decompresses the folder and inside the OnlineInstaller theres a DMG called FortiClient_6.2.2.685_OnlineInstaller.dmg, but when I run it nothing happens. If I login to my account at and go to / FortiClientMac/ Mac/ v6.00/ 6.2/ 6.2.2/ I only see a FortiClientTools_6.2.2.685_ (instead of a DMG file like FortiClient_6.0.8.149_macosx.dmg under / FortiClientMac/ Mac/ v6.00/ 6.0/ 6.0.8/ Also I will show you how to Backup & Restore the configuration. I tried to download the 6.2 version via this link ( ) but it simply simply opens up and says No updates found with a Cancel button at the bottom right with no way to proceed. In this video we are going to download & install the FortiClient version 7 on macOS. The VPN connecte fine with 6.0, but I couldnt ping any devices.